aalu wada and slice allu pakode | Chef Adda

aalu wada and slice allu pakode


hello this is also a vrat recipe pls try it it very yummy and delicious.

 4 bolied potatoes
 singade ka aata
 cumin seed powder
 black pepper powder
 rock salt
 roasted peanut powder
 chopped coriander and green chillies


boiled potato and mesh add salt ,cumin seed powder ,black pepper powder, green chilies, add peanut powder, mix well


make a small balls according to your choice and take another bowl add kuttu or singada atta add water add salt in it and make a thick paste


take balls add in to the paste coat it and deep fry in to the pan



 4 bolied potatoes
 singade ka aata
 cumin seed powder
 black pepper powder
 rock salt
 roasted peanut powder
 chopped coriander and green chillies



boiled potato and mesh add salt ,cumin seed powder ,black pepper powder, green chilies, add peanut powder, mix well


make a small balls according to your choice and take another bowl add kuttu or singada atta add water add salt in it and make a thick paste


take balls add in to the paste coat it and deep fry in to the pan

aalu wada and slice allu pakode

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